any-sided Reflections I - Cardinals have Deliberated under Michael Angelo's Last Judgment - White Chimney Smoke - Awaiting the Announcement of A New Pope

Contemplating the Cardinals' Deliberations under
Michelangelo's Last Judgment in Rome
By the East River NY
Pereira 2013
After Short Deliberations under the Auspices of Michelangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel
the Cardinals had Made a Faithful Decision
Carly Simon's yearning rendition  Anticipation come to Ear...
A World of Many Faith Deeply and Eagerly Interested and Invested in these Anticipatory and Universally Participatory Moments
When Imagination, Hope, Art and Faith as Transcendent Values are Made to Converge on One Individual
Genuine Good Will could be Felt...Palpably...a Welcoming Womb for this imminent Birth 
Wherein in Human Form an Embodiment of the Rich and Textured Universal Passions which can be Shared by All with a Common Touch
