any-Sided Reflections on Pier 92's 2013 ARMORY SHOW, Arts Within and Events Without - Part 1

I was thinking of the Dimensionality of Thoughts and how various  Dimensions Inform one Another.
As The Cardinals in Rome were Deliberating under Michael Angelo's Last Judgment, harnessing with Faith the Dimensionality of God and Good Sense.

In the Collage Piece above I have the Hexagonal Patterns on the Boardwalk by the East River perfectly Tiling the Foreground to some Infinity.

Reflecting on Argentinian Artist
Tomasello's Atmosphere Chromoplastique N.645

This Infinity meets up a a row of Benches - better to Contemplate a Detail from Tomasello's Armory Show Art Piece.
One Clearly sees the Cubes and their Shadow-play informing the Two Dimensional Surface of the Canvas - A Higher Dimension informing a simpler Dimension.

One can see the Cardinals as simpler Dimensional Forms (Beings) trying to access - Making Contact with  the Higher Dimensional Form of God.
Amazingly the The very Different Dimensions Do Communicate.

Vice Versa of Course Permitted...Spiritually Commutative

While the Citizens of Flatland have a hard Time figuring out the Cube they are aware of it's Flat Form, and while some Local information is Lost, General information Communicates Elegantly and Imagination Gains.

Faith is a Constrained and Incredibly Fluid Tool and Means to this End of Dimensional Communication between Evolved and Evolving Intelligences.
The great Organizing Intelligence of God is Myriad Ways.

The Art of It.

In passing it is Interesting to note the Hexagons in the Picture Foreground with a squint transforming themselves easily into those Three Dimensional Cubes in Tomasello's  Ouevre.
Perfect Filling for three Dimensional Space the Cube...then Tesseracts...and Beyond

Clouds on a Clear Day - Dimensional Thoughts Over the East River -Peter G Pereira 2012
