On Auroras and Aurora - Thou shall not Kill vs Thou Shall Not Murder - A Tribute to Victims, First Responders and Survivors of Aurora Colorado...

As to the Question as to Why This Young Man Gave Himself  UP -A SIGN as to WHY? Among Many other questions...This is what I could think through these Challenging  Questions Thus Far...
Thou Shalt Not Kill vs Thou Shall not Murder

Firstly, by Sly and Viral Substitution of Killing and Murder,

He in his mind got away with Murder.

Birds Do it. Fish Do it. Most every other Species Does It. To Kill for a Living.  Hunter/Gatherers and Soldiers Do it. We Kill and... Fall in Love. 
For Something Greater than Ourselves.

AS a Natural KILLER - Required
The Will and Understanding to Kill
The Will and Understanding to be Killed
(may be Part of Killing)
The Will to Die


As a Murderer - Required

The Will and Hunger to Murder

The Will and Hunger to be Murdered

The Will and Hunger to Die...A Murderer

The Will to Murder Oneself

Also Mirrors:
On The Nature of Suicide

The Will and Understanding to Kill Oneself
The Will and Hunger to Murder Oneself
The Will To Die

Birds Don't it. Fish Don't Do it. Most every other Species Does Not Do It. To Murder for a Living.  Hunter/Gatherers and Soldiers Don't Do It.  We Don't Murder and... Unless we Fall into the Habits and Practices of  Self-Hatred....Turned Outwards.
For Something Lesser than Ourselves.

Refrain - As to the Question as to Why This Young Man Gave Himself  UP?
Firstly, by Sly and Viral Substitution of Killing and Murder,
He in his mind got away with Murder.

Archetype n. An original model after which other similar things are patterned. [Greek arkhetupos]

Examples of character archetypes:
Hero (Arthur, Theseus, Batman,  Bilbo)
Scapegoat ("The Lottery")

Outcast (Cain, James Holmes,  Mariner)

Devil Figure (Lucifer, Joker,  Darth Vader)

Woman Figure
Earthmother (Mother Nature)
Temptress (Sirens, Delilah)
Platonic Ideal (Dante's Beatrice)
Unfaithful Wife (Anna Karenina)

Situation Archetypes:
Quest (Holy Grail, Ahab)
Initiation (Huck Finn)
Fall (Paradise Lost)
Death and Rebirth (Christ, Hercules)

Archetypal Symbols:

Common Practice for Terror(ists),   Psychopaths and Dictators
And of all the substitutions and of all the Requirements: No Will to Die.
Selfishly, Slight-of-hand for a Joker

He Wanted to Be and Live on as  the Comic Book Hero - A Joker -  The Rise of Dark Knight with none of the Real Work Required by Real Heroes...Compassion, Kindness, Charity...Selflessness.


Perspectives on Auroras and Aurora
Cosmic Heroes

Aurora Colorado

Earth and Polar Auroras Seen from Space

In Spirit and Person In Face of Tragedy
Resolve and Dignity and Community
The People of Aurora Colorado

Let us Hope Healing Begins in Earnest.
That Anyone and Everyone Feels Safe from the Terror of a Lone Joker...
 - and to when so Desired to Enjoy a Good Movie with Loved Ones and Friends.

Sign Saying...

To Move Forward

To Heal
