My Father's Day Reflections...On the Commandment to Honor...

Me, My Father, and Father as Boy
Collage for Father's Day 2012

Father Day Reflections
by Peter G Pereira 2012

...and as we grow older,
We become Counsel to the Child we once were,
We become Mother to the Child within,

Through inner-Journeys mirror Coil and Flex,
Infinities Begin and End
and co-join the Beggar's Velvet Narrative of Daily Life,
With the Wanting and Anthemic
Cries and Fiery Tumult of Youth's Eternal Strife,
With Those Very Mortal Wounds,
As Red Lips and Blue Tongues in Dirge and Mournful Reveries,
Incanting Decathlon Rebel Songs and Love lost Revelry...

Circles of Pain into Circles of Agony into...

... the requieting Refrains of our Wiser Years,

We become Counsel to the Child we Once were,
We become Father to the Child Within,

We become the very Healing Angels of Visitations Now,
Answering the Prayers Of Desolation Then,
The Clothing Cooling Salve of Desire,
The Wit of Soul and
Father/Mother of Invention,
Janusian Twins of
Brevity and Necessity,

We Wished Upon Then,
Once Upon a Time,
with such Ardor and Crush,
In those times when the Questions seemed,
to Outrun and Overwhelm the Answers...

And so it is In Future,
as Future,
the That which Informs the Past,

Likewise as Father,
We become for better and worse,
Counsel to the Child we have Made,

As we grow Older Still,
That Child we are,
Becomes counsel to the Father who Us Made,

Having Walked many miles in His Shoes,
And then weathered some more  in our own filleted Soles,
Having exhausted Vengeance, Revenge and the Avenger,
Armed with Weapons of Choice...
Like Kindness,
Like Compassion,
Like Charity and Love,
Having Repaired the Bitten and Bitter Body which Houses our Soul,

At this Moment of Convergent Crossroads and Reciprocity...
We can in Good Jet- lagged Faith Conclude...

'To Honor They Mother and Father' we must thusly and in fairness conclude in order

To Honor Ourselves

A Commandment worth its While...
Over all,
After All is Said and Unsaid...
Over Time and at Our Ready,
One can Truly Chose
Measure for Measure:

To be Or Not To Be

.With Love,
and Gratitude...
Happy Father's Day Dad

...your Son,

Peter Gerard Pereira
