Perspectives on the Sun, Pollen, and Electrons Deodorant and the Viral Spontaneous Laughter Spelling of T-U-B-E - Short Film and Photo-Collage by Peter G Pereira

Perspectives on the Sun, Pollen, and Electrons about a Carbon Atom
- Quantum - Relativity Scales -
Photo-Collage by Peter G Pereira


Spontaneous Laughter with an Ageless
Louise at 95 and the Artist over
The 'serious' Spelling of a Deodorant's  T-U-B-E
May / 2012

Me and Louise and Tube

Louise in her Ongoing Quest to find the Mot Juste for everything and anything
brought over yet another object for identification.

Seemed simple enough.
A Plastic Container. a Deodorant Stick.
A Bullet?
I offered.

Eyes Rolled.

It took a Net Search to satisfy her need for an exact match-slash/definition so that she could inform the 'what'tcha you m'call them'
Idiot's in her Building

-NOT to throw away the Tarpaulin with the Plastic Deodorant's Bottle! -

But More Succinctly! Louise quipped.

When you become an Elder like me you don't have time to waste on Mumbo and Jumbo!

The Word She Sought was Tube...

Communicating that to her Proved...Well...See...
Listen for Yourselves

Enjoy and Enjoin
