On How Many Takes it Takes - Hummus vs Chip Dip - Shooting A Short Film(s) with the Ubiquitous Henry Hall Manhattan Mutt

Shooting A Short Film(s) with the Ubiquitous Henry Hall Manhattan Mutt.
Henry is an Infectious and Precocious  Character.
Can you Spot Henry  in these Shots of Kay Hall doing Prep work for a Blog Commercial?

Take 1

Trying to direct the Shot with one hand shoo-waving Henry out of the Frame.

Take 4

Advantage Henry

In the Final Test

Still...in the left-hand corner...the Wee-End of a Chihuahua's Tail.

The Moral of This Tail's Tale is Keep the Cute Little Dog  in the Picture.

It may all  come down to this everlasting Child in the Window.
The Prize...
Portraits of Kind-ness

In a Common Prayer...

