Self-Portrait Reflections on 2013...Difficult Transitions into Joy

Various Self- Portraits from 2013 ...

At the end in COMA
I experienced a face to face with that magnificent Creator and Consciouness....
A Loving and Universal Companion who saw in me...indescribable beauty
As I in...
Two thoughts meeting as One

I realized the end of Self-Fulfilling Prophesies...
Bumping into reflections self or otherwise had ceased.
Mirror and I had merged.

All that was Left or Right was but a Good Thought.
All that Travels in the end and Beyond is but a Thought.

The return to Form has been a blessing and quite arduous
in that nothing that came before is quite as useful or matters so much as what is to Come.
Day by Day.

Happy and Joyous New Years.
God Bless.
