Recent Odds and Ends since Getting Out of Hospital... 9/11 Remembered - Memorial for a Pilot called Neil and The Face on the Moon - A Happy and Prime New Year 5773 and Double Portrait of Two Mona Lisas

Neil Armstrong - Man on the Moon
Rest In Peace...
One Small Step for Man.
One Giant Leap for Mankind

A Neighborhood Tribute to those the Memory of those we Lost
and the Enduring Freedoms we hold ever Dearly.
And to those who Defend Them...Special Thanks

Self-Portrait with Chrome Birds of Flight 
from Aug. 30 2012  
First Evening having left been discharged from the Hospital.
First Wobbly Steps of Elation and Shock

My Double Portrait of Kay and Mona Lisa after Da Vinci by Peter G Pereira - May 2012

My Thanks to an Angel who Stood,  Slept and Prayed for 2 Days by my bedside urging to Fight On...
To Awaken

To All the Angels on My Side Giving Lift to my Nascent Wings.
The Breath of New Life
Thank you.

A Happy and Safe New Year to All Friends and Family and Neighbors
Starry Starry Nights - Hydrangea Series by  Peter G Pereira 2008
God Bless it All
Great and Small
