Ryunosuke Akutagawa at Logos Bookstore...Rashomon and 17 other short stories

Prescient Graphic Violence and Noire Humor,
Twists and turns now Madness and then Wit...Caeducean Denouement of a tragi-brilliant mind... we were all impressed on our first encounter with him and all would agree to continue our explorations of him...complexified.
Passions of Rousseau... intellectual wings of Voltaire... the illness he shared with Mozart having broken all 10 commandments and so on...fiery fascinations with a literary painter's self immolations...heart like a tube of red paint on a Dostoyevskian palette with Poe-esque scalpel knife and Samurai Sword as brushes...Christ, Moons and Suns.
my first Vivid impressions with the bookstore reading group.
