Cato - oil on canvas - 24 x 36 2002 by Pereira...Then and Now

From the Harlem Suite Series at my Pear Tree Studio.
Early portrait of Peek-a-Boo
Finding him starved and near Death after a few years in a cage surrounded by fighting Pit Bulls where cats were used as bait in the Fighting Rings
I remembering whispering into his little ear: "Would you like to live little one?"

He mustered a faint Meow as I was washing off the filth in the sink in my Harlem Studio.

It took some twelve years for him to come out of his Shell...but of late you would think a New Cat.
All wounds Healed and a magnet of Affections and Consciousness.
Healing Powers of Good Diets of Patience and Love.

Cato - oil on canvas - 24 x 36 -  2002 by Perter G Pereira

Reversal of Fortunes - Peek - Boo and Resurrection... Peter G Pereira
