Giants vs San Francisco Game, Goliath the Goldfish, 2012 Chinese Lunar New Year, Dragons of Eden,Backaches and Finally Celebration

Our Goldfish Goliath
An obvious Giants Fan - Pre-Game
Grown with Love from a Fingernail sized baby Fish

Goliath and I woke up under the weather. The Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon. Goliaths sign. 
He was upside down with indigestion and my back was out. 
A Piscine slash Human psychic link. 
We were with most of the country waiting on the Giants vs San Franscisco Game. 
Would New York reclaim a Superbowl? 

We both began showing signs of improvement as the Game approached.

Peas, Prayers and Playoffs proved very beneficial.
Though wobbly Goliath was making great progress and I could dance around with the help of my cane. 
Both of us made dozens of  right-handed concentric circles but who was counting. 
We were getting better as Gametime approached.

Goliath Righted Again.

After one of the most terrific Old Style Football games in recent memory, requiring an extra quarter to make it a Quint Endgame. 
The girls and I, Kay and the Magnificent Louise 94 years young (with Goliath watching from the sidelines) held our collective breath as Tyne readied for the kick. 
I rounded a few more concentric circles round the room both left and right handed ones. 

Louise, Kay and Chihuahua Henry

How many more time outs?


Luck of  the Goldfish favoring the Prepared Mind and Team.

To a Happy and Healthy New Year to All.

And SuperBowl 42
