On the Art of Thanksgiving, Macy's Parade, Neighbors and Turkey Souls
St. Stephen's Church of Hungary,
Yorkville NY
Rounding the corners from my home I cross a wonderful collection of Churches and Synagogues and Mosques and Temples each with a unique New York flavor and deep community roots welcoming all souls and their other halves to participate in the textured and many hued tapestry of faith and spirit. Lots of great folk. Lots of great folk as a matter of practice helping out a lots of other great folk.
This year my wife and I were invited by Father Angelo for Thanksgiving brunch an offer we could not refuse if for no other reason that he is a genuinely thoughtful and forward thinking friend...and yes all the best local food shops helped cater i.e.- ipso facto meaning the brunch was going to be outstanding.
While waiting for my Sweetheart my thoughts turned our troops returning home and those abroad and was thankful for their efforts. I thought about many other friends and family members, floating in the spectacular Cerulean blue sky on a day tipping 60 degrees and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade winding down just blocks away. 85 years of Crafty balloon sculptures representing many of our childhood heroes.
I imagined one of the balloons having left the Parade floating my way against that Tiepolo sky. And there she was.
...and it is in the rounded spheres of compassion and charity that the human being comes to feel a part of the greater whole...friendships, a sense of family, shelter, food, spiritual irrigation to let that inner Muir Net garden grow. Whether you believe or not matters only insofar as you have imagination and the means of forging deeper meanings On the Nature of Things great and small whether by faith or not each of us is to decide freely. Interfaith is of great significance for me particularly on Thanksgiving when so many willingly surrender to such good thoughts and times with other family friends and strangers. One feels a force. I allow myself the feeling - that with this Loving force of Nature - the belief - that interfaith will win the wars. One Thanksgiving Dinner at a time.
Imaginations without discipline of science, logic art and spirituality one or all stuff the graveyards of unintended consequences full fill.
While waiting for my Sweetheart my thoughts turned our troops returning home and those abroad and was thankful for their efforts. I thought about many other friends and family members, floating in the spectacular Cerulean blue sky on a day tipping 60 degrees and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade winding down just blocks away. 85 years of Crafty balloon sculptures representing many of our childhood heroes.
I imagined one of the balloons having left the Parade floating my way against that Tiepolo sky. And there she was.
Kay Balloons in the Sky
I managed to to catch her just in time before she floated away.
I snapped an arms-length shot of us after her landing.
Me and my Thanksgiving Balloon
The adventure left us ready to greet and eat.
I recognized many faces through the glass
and waved at one that recognized me in return
until I realized it was my own reflection and the reflections of those friends behind me.
Perhaps we do live on a Cosmic Hologram occasionally massing in the Higgs Field only to retreat again to our two dimensional realities. Maybe not. But anything untouched becomes more or less a figment of imagination. Stay in touch is the moral of this...and think good thoughts...I imagine.
Really Folks
Enter a record crowd for this event.
Ah here's Father Angelo our host and spiritual guide for the afternoon.
Estelle, Kay and Father Angelo
We found ourselves seated at the a table of old friends and few new ones. Interestingly several faiths including Catholic, Episcopal, Advantist, Judaica. Kind of what you expect of a Thanksgiving.
From left Dianne, Terri, Kay, Estelle,
Me, Myself and I
The Children from the local school forayed into making cards for every one at the Brunch, some hundred and forty plus. One for each of the guests. These cards were two of the young artists at my plate side.
Terrific promise on the inside and the outside. E-mail cannot outdo the the hand-drawn cards of kinder-gardeners. Not that it needs to but...
Well Father Angelo wanted to say a few words.
We ate our Turkey, potatoes, yams and salads and had seconds with dessert. Pecan Pie extraordinary.
Thanksgiving had just started but what a wonderful start it was.
And for the Birds of Sacrifice. We say thank you. On the way out I caught a glimpse of their spirit rustling in the leaves.
Turkey Soul Tree
Imaginations without discipline of science, logic art and spirituality one or all stuff the graveyards of unintended consequences full fill.