The Passing of a Great Artist, Mentor and lifelong Friend...Julie Wilson - Memorium

Mentor and lifelong Friend...Julie Wilson
I first met Julie after high school in Omaha.

Holt, her gifted son and I, a classmate a year  behind me at Creighton Prep had become close friends and Michael of course was around and all in all they were the coolest and greatest folk I had ever met. In the arts and in love with artists, Julie was encouraging from the start lauding my talents as a painter and artist on her album and made me feel part of the family. She treated Holt and I to a whirlwind tour of Europe. It was magic to be in her presence. I was awed by the person that was her voice  from the very first time I heard her sing and the shock of American Cleopatran beauty way back then and stayed a lifelong fan. Mentor and lifelong Friend...Julie Wilson
