In Memorium of Sylvia (Lifshitz) - A Great Gal

I found out today that Sylvia passed last Tuesday in the long battle that she kept to herself.
She was kind and courteous and loving to her clients with a unique sense of humor that made you feel protected inside her protective lines of sight.
She was one of the first faces at pharmacy that I saw coming out of hospital and COMA 2 years ago. I'm sure I looked the fright but she shone like an angel and smiled at me confiding that I had made it this far looking this handsome and by her estimation I would make it all the way back.
She enjoyed my stories of the near death contacts with that universal intelligence,  companionship and love and return.
All the ways of knowing and concerned smile.
We would meet outside of her work in the most unusual places including several times at the Brooklyn Museum for some of the super shows to which she would bring her grandchildren.
She was an art lover and always enthusiastic about my own paintings and installation work with the Trees of Life series.
Thank You Sylvia.
All love from Kay and I.
I will dedicate a special Tree in your memory.
My condolences to her friends and family.
