Terrifying echoes- Anti-Semitic Registry in the Ukraine...on a trip to the New York Public Library

I read the news today oh boy...it all seems shocking news by some insignificant extremists asking for Jews to declare themselves and to register their addresses and their property or have their citizenship be revoked, face deportation and have their property confiscated...

perhaps to be dismissed
at first...but then... if you are the Jew in the city  Donetsk... or anywhere in the world or anyone with any common sense... there's a definite chill in the air.

if you see something say something

...took a trip to the New York Public Library on 5th Avenue and 42nd Street... a brisk but beautiful day for reflections I'm at the many peoples from all walks of life that come to see this great city... and how is no small way I am my brother and sister's keeper...
