Memorial Day Recap with my Friend Kramer - Profiles in Courage...IWO JIMA Survivor

At the Dunkin Donuts on York I bumped into Kramer jeweled-eyed Veteran of  WWII Pacific Campaign's thorniest  debacle - IWO JIMA.

Profile in Courage

Double Portrait -f  Karmer  - Iwo Jima  Marine Veteran - by Peter G Pereria March 2013
"I was shot three times - one in the right arm- tore it off. One in the left. Went right through.
The other right in the chest - right here...between the sixth and seventh  ribs - a hairs breath 
from my heart!"

Coffee was my treat. Decaf. Black.
An ageless Spirit who reminded me:

"I'm one of the few left alive!"

ECHO: "I'm one of the few left alive!" - Peter G Pereira 2013
