ani-Sided Reflections IV - Morning Reflections on Pope Francis I - Dimensionalities of Art and Faith- 2013 ARMORY SHOW, Arts Within and Events Without

Francis I and Detail for Argentinian Artist Tomasello on Dimensions and their Inter-Communications
Digital Painting by Peter G Pereira 2013

I contemplated the person of the new Argentinian Pope Francis I right out the window but a few hours after the Cardinals had sung his name and the work by the Argentinian Artist Tomasello and his work on 3-D Cubes and 2-D Shadow I had been studying a the Armory Show on Saturday last.

Contemplating Tomasello and Hexagonal Dimensionalities of Faith and Pope Francis
Peter G Pereira - Armory Show 2013

The Allusion of Spiritual dimensions again informing each other despite both proximity and distances.

To the Flatlanders on the canvas the Cubizens appear as ghostly figures delimited by straight lines sometimes fuzzy other times rounded in varying shades of light and dark and temperature and color...edges for line. No perpendiculars.

In Spiritual Dialog Faith mediates these Dimensional Differences. Science quantifies and imposes Limits, Art Represents in myriad forms without Limits. We can see how all forms of perception can help instruct us in these dialogs without one dismissive of the other but complementary. We need not even assume extra-physical dimensional to understand that many other dimensions of space and time co-exist.

In dialogs with a Universal Organizing Principle in Being – the God...simplicity.

Francis I Tomasello Cubes on Dimensions and Inter-Faith Communications
Armory Show Digital Painting by Peter G Pereira 2013

Contemplating Tomasello and Hexagonal Dimensionalities of Faith and Pope Franciswith The Hiccups
Peter G Pereira - Armory Show 2013
